Piano Course 1 Final Exam

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1. How many lines are there on the Staff:
a) Four
b) Five
c) Six
2. How many spaces are there in the Staff:
a) Four
b) Five
c) Six
3. Which symbol is a time signature?
4. A double bar line with two dots means:
a) Treble Clef Sign
b) 4/4 Time
c) Repeat
5. What does a bar line do?
a) Rest
b) Divide the music into equal measures of time.
c) Plays a Chord
6. How many beats does a whole note receive?
a) Four
b) Two
c) One
7. How many beats does a quarter note receive?
a) Four
b) Two
c) One
8. Does each type of note have an equivalent rest sign?
a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Yes
9. What do the black keys represent on a piano:
a) Sharp and Flat Notes
b) Natural Notes
c) Octaves
10. What do the white keys represent on a piano:
a) Natural Notes
b) Octaves
c) Sharp and Flat notes
11. Middle C is found where on the piano:
a) The C note farthest to the left
b) The C note farthest to the right on the piano
c) The C note that is in the middle of the piano
12. In piano music the top Staff uses which Clef Sign:
a) Bass
b) Treble
c) Forte
13. In piano music the bottom Staff uses which Clef sign:
a) Treble
b) Bass
c) Forte
14. The Key Signature is found:
a) Next to the metronome setting
b) Under the title of the song
c) Immediately to the right of the Clef sign
15. The Time Signature is found:
a) Next to the metronome setting
b) Next to the Clef and Key Signature
c) Under the title of the song
16. Common Time is:
a) 4 beats per measure
b) 3 beats per measure
c) One beat per measure
17. The sharp sign (#) means to:
a) Play the same note twice
b) Raise the note 1 semitone higher
c) Lower the note
18. Digital keyboards and acoustic pianos keyboards are:
a) Laid out with the same order of sharps and flats
b) Are layed out with a different keyboard system
c) Entirely different
19. Tied notes are used to:
a) Tie two songs together
b) Connect strings together
c) Extend the length of time a note is played for
20. A dot added to any note:
a) Increases its time value by half its original value
b) Means it doesn ’t count
c) Means to play louder
21. A whole note rest signifies?
a) Play softly through the whole measure
b) Be silent for 4 beats
c) Rest through the whole song
22. A half note rest signifies:
a) Play half softly
b) Be silent for half the song
c) Be silent for 2 beats
23. Rests represent periods of?
a) Silence
b) Playing softly
c) Resting fingers gently on the keyboard
24. A Ledger line is used to:
a) Lengthen the bar
b) Extend the Staff for notes above and below the Staff
c) Keep track of the Treble clef signs
25. A dotted half note is how many beats:
a) Three
b) Two
c) One and a half
26. A dotted quarter note is how many beats:
a) Three
b) Two
c) One and a half
27. A dotted eighth note is how many beats:
a) Eight
b) Ten
c) Three quarters of one beat
28. The left hand generally plays:
a) The highest notes
b) The Bass notes
c) Four part harmony
29. The right hand generally plays:
a) The bass notes
b) Four part harmony
c) The highest notes
30. The flat (b) sign means to:
a) Raise the note (semi tone)
b) Lower the note (semi tone)
c) Flatten your finger tips
31. In 4/4 time, how many eighth notes is the maximum that can be in one measure:
a) Four
b) Eight
c) Six
32. In 3/4 time, how many eighth notes is the maximum that can be in one measure:
a) Four
b) Eight
c) Six
33. In 4/4 time, how many half notes can be in one measure?
a) Two
b) Four
c) Six