The most important and essential part of a song is the melody. The melody can be hummed or sung, even whistled. Melodies are notes played one after another in succession.
Harmonies are notes played together simultaneously. Harmonizing notes together will make a full and more interesting sound to the listener. To harmonize we use the chords within a chosen scale, for example: in the key of G major the combination of G B D notes are put together forming a G major 3 note chord known as a triad. If the melody is mainly GBD notes for a given measure, the G chord would be the appropriate chord to play at that time. Some instruments can play both the melody and harmony such as piano and guitar. However there are instruments that can only play melodies such as the flute and the human voice.
Rhythm is the pulse or beat created by the melody and harmony; it is what we would clap to.
Lyrics are the words placed to the melody.
A chord is a cluster of notes from a particular scale played at the same time following the melody.
Examples of a 3 note chord in the key of G major is GBD, an example of a 4 note chord in the same key is GBDG.
Key: Each piece of music is written in a certain Key or a chosen scale, using the notes of that scale formulate the tune..
For example; in the key of G major, the scale is comprised of 7 notes in succession, they are GABCDEF# G. The most used chords in this key is G chord (GBD), C chord (CEG), D chord (DF#A).
Scale: Scales are succession of notes starting on a particular note and usually played going up and down the octave. An example is the G major scale: GABCDEF#G.